Inability to continue operations due to serious losses arising from a natural disaster, war or other event of force majeure; A Property All Risk Insurance Policies insures property against loss or damage by natural hazards or accident. (四)因自然灾害、战争等不可抗力遭受严重损失,无法继续经营;保障自然灾害或意外事故引起的财产损失给与补偿。
Due to the big differences of ownership change, it is easy to tell conversion from other crimes by clarifying the nature of property ownership. 由于侵占罪财产关系变动的方式与其他犯罪有很大差别,所以只要对其财产关系变动的本质加以明确,就能更好地界定各个侵财型犯罪。
Due to the many-to-many nature, loading from one side of a bidirectional association can trigger loading of the other side which can further trigger extra data loading of the original side, and so on. 由于many-to-many的特性,在双向关联的一端加载对象会触发另一端的加载,这会进一步触发原始端加载更多的数据,等等。
Due to low confidence of private accounts, so best to get contributions from the local Red Cross and other organizations account, through the Red Cross referred to the victim; 因私人账号信任度低,所以最好能取得当地红十字会等机构的捐款账号,通过红十字会转交事主;
Due to our clearance sale from January 1 to 10, we shall suspend all other Business for this period. Your attention will Be appreciated. 本公司自元月一日至十日进行停业清仓大拍卖,一切业务暂停,敬请谅解。
About half of the financing for the overall deal is due to come from European banks and the other half from China, according to one of the people, who declined to be named because the announcement was pending. 上述三位人士之一表示,整个交易的融资金额中,约有一半来自欧洲银行,另一半来自中国。因有关声明尚未发布,该人士不愿透露姓名。
The forms of marriage and family of the Ewink people have been challenged in the recent decades, due to the effect from social changes and influences from the other peoples such as Han Chinese. 随自然与社会环境的急剧变化及其族群互动的影响,鄂温克族婚姻家庭受到了前所未有的冲击。
Surface treatment was one of important steps during developing and producing magnesium alloy goods due to the potential threat of corrosion destruction resulted from high reactivity of magnesium and some other factors. 由于镁自身化学活性高等带来的潜在的腐蚀破坏威胁,表面处理成为镁合金产品开发与生产过程中不可或缺的重要一环。
In the routine proportional-integral control ( PI), the speed has high overshoot due to integral saturation if speed regulator ( ASR) and magnitude limiter are parted from each other. 在常规的比例一积分(PI)控制中,若把转速调节器(ASR)与限幅器算法分开,则会因积分饱和使转速超调量过大;
The concentration of share is high in the cooperatives. Besides, due to the concentration of shares, the owner and the customer of the cooperatives separate from each other. 此外,由于合作社股金集中度高的缘故,合作社的所有者和顾客之间存在分离的现象,不再保持着所有者与顾客的同一性。
The consumption would show its great importance in booming the economy when the investment took too large a part in the whole economy, and when the overall export, due to the great competition from other economies, could not contribute too much to the overall demands. 目前我国固定资产投资比例过大,净出口由于国际市场的激烈竞争也不可能有大幅增加,所以消费需求拉动经济增长的重要性逐渐凸现。
But due to low levels in environmental samples and vulnerable to interference from other homologues, determination of DL-PCBs is very difficult. 由于在环境样品中含量低,且易受到其他同系物的干扰,二嗯英类多氯联苯的分析测定十分困难。
Due to the private colleges have different from the characteristics of other levels of colleges and universities, teaching quality is its vitality. 由于民办高职院校具有不同于其他层次高校的特点,教学质量是它发展的生命力。
However, due to SIP protocol has features different from other protocols in the call controlling process, so the load balancing technology currently used does not completely applicable to load balancing system based on SIP protocol. 但是由于SIP协议在呼叫控制过程中所具有的不同于其它协议的特点,使得目前通用的负载均衡技术并不完全适用于基于SIP协议的负载均衡系统。
Due to historical reasons, their professional careers are quite different from other teachers. In this paper, the characteristics of their careers are showed through the narrative study of aging teachers. 由于历史原因,他们的职业生涯与其他教师有着明显的区别。
But it was unknown that whether the lineages were two Evolutionarily Significant Units due to lack of evidence from other molecular markers, especially adaptive molecular markers. 但由于缺乏其他分子标记的证据(特别是适应性的分子标记),两个支系是否能构成显著进化单元,仍有待于进一步的讨论。
Due to its unique cyclic lipopeptide structure and mechanism of action, it will not generate cross-resistance from other approved antibiotics, instead, has a broad market prospect. 其独特的环脂肽结构及作用机制,使其将不会受到来自其它抗生素所致交叉耐药性的影响,具有广阔的市场前景。
Most of the growth was due to increased Chinese imports of oil from Sudan and other African nations. 这个贸易增长的大部分是由于中国从苏丹与其他非洲国家的能源进口增长。
Firstly, due to the data fusion system always suffers from uncompleted data ( inconsistent even contradict each other) and lacking of priori knowledge, a method based on rough set for rule-based modeling is proposed. 在粗集方法方面,针对信息融合系统应用中数据不完整(不相容甚至互相矛盾)、缺少先验知识的特点,提出并讨论了基于粗集理论建立融合规则模型的方法。
And due to this specialty, the retail of medicines is different from other consuming commodities. 正是由于药品的特殊性,使得药品零售不同于其他的消费品零售。
If the obligee fails to pay due debts, The obligee may sell preferred payments from the auction and other rights. 若债务人不履行到期债务,债权人可以优先受偿变卖、拍卖出质商标权所得款项的权利。
However, due to natural and geographical conditions and the economy base different from each other, recycling economy development model also varies. 然而,由于各地的自然地理状况和经济基础条件各不相同,发展循环经济所选择的模式也就各不相同。
Credit investigation agencies may collect credit information through due channels, which may be carried out from the data bodies directly or from public administration department, other units or persons. 征信机构应当通过正当的渠道和方式采集信用信息,其既可以向数据主体直接采集信息,也可以向掌握数据主体信用信息的公共管理部门、其他单位和个人采集。
The multiuser detection techniques can significantly suppress the multiple access interference and improve the system performance due to the fact that it takes into account the interference from other users when recovering the desired signals. 由于多用户检测技术在恢复信号的过程中,同时考虑了来自其他用户的干扰,因此该技术可以极大地抑制多址接入干扰,提高系统性能。
Due to the technical monopoly from Nippon Steel and some other enterprises, the mechanism and technology development about oxides metallurgy are improved slowly. 由于这一技术由新日铁等少数厂家垄断,有关氧化物冶金技术的机理及其工艺开发进展比较缓慢。
However, due to economic laws have their own uniqueness; it is also responsible for Economic characteristic distinguishing it from other forms of responsibility. 但由于经济法具备自身的独特性,因此,经济法责任也具有区别于其他责任形式的特性。
However, due to the instability of value and great risk, the stock equity differ from other investment form. 但股权出资具有股权价值不稳定性及较大的风险性等问题,因此股权出资不同于其他的现物出资。
Phase interference means that the interference intensity will vary due to the relative phase between two light waves with same frequency but from different lengths encounter each other in some space. After measuring the interference intensity, we could obtain the corresponding phase information and associated path information. 通过测量干涉光强即可获得对应的相对相位信息及与之相关的路径信息。
The activity of earning management in the listed companies is influenced due to the monitoring from government and many other departments; as a result, it is less likely to carry out earning management upon information disclosure by means of fair value. 我国上市公司盈余管理的行为受到政府等多部门监管的影响,以公允价值为手段对披露信息进行盈余管理可能性较小。